Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blogs I Love! -- September Edition

I have been wanting to do this for a long time now, but I felt that I needed more time in the "blogosphere" to really compile accurate data... lol.

Here are a few blogs I never miss. I'm their blog stalker if you will. :)


*She is doing this awesome series called "Living In Japan". She actually lived, went to school, and experienced Japan. (It's rad, I promise). You can click on her button above or you can click HERE.

*She is so funny, you will laugh until you pee a little. NO LIE! Check her out on that button or HERE

*This is another funny one--nay, hilarious blog. She also has great advice! She does this series called "Are You Serious?"--LOVE! The first time I read it (while in class) I very much laughed out loud (awkwardly). 
You can click on that button ^ or HERE

Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style

*Fabulous Fashions for Sensible Style is exactly what it sounds like. I follow a lot of fashion blogs, but this is my favorite. She is absolutely beautiful and so incredibly genuine that it's hard not to love her blog. 
You can click that cute button or HERE

*She does an awesome link-up photo swap. I try to swap every week. She's got such beautiful children and her pics are always great. She really is super SWEET. :) Hints, Sweet Little Gals. 
Click that button or HERE


*The Shine Project has got it all. She's immensely creative and she's got a huge heart. Her current mission, "Change for Change" is all about helping kids go to college. 
Click that button or HERE

*I should say that these blogs are not paying me to promote them, I just genuinely stalk their blogs, and thought you should know about it.  Lol. 


1 comment:

Liesl said...

I just wanted to thank you for this lovely post...I somehow missed it while I was traveling in September, but this means so much! You are wonderful and I simply LOVE your blog as well! :)

Liesl :)