Friday, September 2, 2011

Our Story-My Number Two.

My God is number one in my life, and you are my number two. 

Everyone has a story. This is OUR STORY, the love story of Jacob and Kylee Turner. 

Before God gave me you:
I moved out of my parents house when I was 17. For the record, I was just about 18. My parents are amazing, and that is not the reason I moved out so quickly. I moved out of a small town in Northwest Oklahoma, VERY small town. I was in such a bad place. I was one wild high school kid. God bless my parents, they went through so much. 

Anyways, I moved out of my parent's house and into a small apartment with a high school friend. I could tell within the first few weeks of living there, that I had mad a stupid decision (chalk that one up to many others). I could easily see that the friends I was surrounded by were not really my friends. They were just people that enjoyed drinking and acting stupid, just like me. I found a job and my life started to change pretty much on the spot. I met some really great people at the place I worked, two of them were in my wedding.

These friends reignited my passion for a God that I had forgotten about. I started seeing life in a new perspective. I began having genuine fun with good people, and enjoying this crazy awesome plan that Christ had for me. 

My Number One Gave Me My Number Two: 
My Sophomore year in college was a little rough. And then out of nowhere there was a tall, dark, handsome skinny guy that started showing up in my life. I can remember saying to myself and my friends, "I really don't think God wants me to date right now. I'm pretty sure I don't want or need a boyfriend."
HAHA! Doesn't God just love when you think you have it all figured out? He's all like, "pshh... come on, you crazy girl. Surprise here's a curveball you didn't expect."

But oh man, how great He is. It wasn't long and Jacob and I were making googly eyes at each other. I'm pretty sure we both knew that we were going to spend forever together, but we each used serious caution. We went to Barnes and Noble a lot for "sortof dates" and to Starbucks even more for "sortof Bible studies/sortof dates." 

8 months later we were engaged. I was going into my Junior year in college at this time. I was 19, he was 22. 

November 20, 2009: Our Wedding. 
I actually hated our wedding day. It was so stressful for what it represented. I just wanted to be married to this man. I'm horribly unorganized and that showed on the wedding day. People were coming up to me and asking what they were supposed to be doing. A groomsman was incredibly late, the flower girl didn't make it for the pictures before the ceremony, and I hardly saw my mom. Looking back now, I would have done it all differently. But, we got married, and that's all that matters! 

It's been nearly two years since we got married. I would love to tell you that it has been soo easy and fun, but that would be a bold-faced lie. There are phases that we will drift far from God, and realize that He is what binds us so closely. We've even said that we would be nearly incompatible had it not been for our shared love of Christ. 

He shows us every single day the capacity of our love for one another and for Him. 

Love Letter to Jacob:
Dear Handsome, 
I love you so deeply it hurts sometimes. 
I love you so genuinely that it's hard to express with words alone. 
And I love you so much that my heart literally has to expand. 
-You and Christ have all the love I have to give. 

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