Wow. Does anyone remember Johnny Bravo?? That's what Jacob says I look like in the morning. HAHA.
I'm not even ashamed!
I hope everyone has a good laugh at my expense. :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Racing the Clock!
We're moving, if you didn't already know that. We have spent the last month renovating the garage of my Brother-in-laws house for us to live in. Well the garage is in livable conditions (almost done!) and now we just have to move and get rid of a lot of our crap!
Downsizing from a 2 bedroom duplex to a 240 sq. ft. garage has been difficult.
But you know what? It's been sort of invigorating at the same time. I have realized that God has given us so much; an awesome family, a giving brother, and wonderful friends. At first, me parting with so many worldly possessions was hard, but I realize now that I only really need my hubby, my dogs, ----------> (AND A PILLOW!) All that other stuff is replaceable and unimportant.
Now, if I can just make it through to this Friday! We're racing the clock to get the heck outta our duplex and into that garage. So, will you guys pray for us? I know that we're going to make it out on time, but I just don't know if our sanity will be in tact by the end of the week. :)
Here's some pics of some good times in the house. :)
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Jake in our redneck hot tub (or our kiddy pool in the back yard). This pool was soo necessary this summer, we had over 40 days of over 100 degree temps. |
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The many Mortal Kombat tourneys and good times with really good friends. |
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Dog naps. This photo is an ode for silence that won't be at our new place. We'll miss you solitude. :) Sincerely, Kylee |
Monday, September 26, 2011
Giveaway at Eisy Morgan
Doing a giveaway for FEATURED AD SPACE!
Go to her site and enter the giveaway, HERE.
Don't you want to join Mrs. T up there?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sponsoring--there really should be a handbook or something.
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Here's an example of an ad I run. |
So I've delved into the world of blogging, more recently I decided I should monetize my blog in some way. I chose sponsoring other blogs in the same genre of my own. Guess what?! I didn't know a dang thing about it!
*Thank goodness for the kind women who run the blogs I decided to advertise on, without them I would be a lost soul.
So I'm asking you, blogosphere, for your help.
If you can answer any of the following questions, PLEASE help! :)
1) How do you find blogs to advertise on?
2) When choosing between a giveaway, interview, or a guest post--HOW DO YOU DECIDE?!
3) What's the etiquette for approaching a blogger about wanting to sponsor?
That's what's on my mind this day in September.
If you have any tips, any tips at all, as far as sponsoring-- I would love to hear them.
Thanks everyone!
Sincerely, Kylee
Friday, September 23, 2011
I've got a few confessions...
Well, this week has been----------- rough? Some of this week has been great, some of it has been stressful, and most of it has been wasted. lol.
I have a handful of confessions...
1) I skipped class on Thursday. I spent most of the day in my pj's and on Pinterest. There, I said it. Sorry Mom. I'm not wasting the education you pay for, just this specific Thursday's worth.
I have a handful of confessions...
2) I farted in Yoga class on Tuesday. I tried so hard to hold it in, but it just didn't work!! We were shifting from a plank to an upward dog and "reeeeeeeeep", it slipped. YOGA FAIL!
3) I may or may not have drank 32oz of coffee every day for 3 days, or 4... I'M ADDICTED!!
There, I got it off my chest!! I feel better.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Awesomely Awkward Guest Post and a DISCOUNT!
Good Thursday to you all! I have a treat for you, Jamie from Awesomely Awkward is here. THIS IS REAL EXCITEMENT. :P
Not only does this girl make some seriously cute headbands, she's also very kind and genuine.
Take it away, sister!
Hi there everyone.
Not only does this girl make some seriously cute headbands, she's also very kind and genuine.
Take it away, sister!
Hi there everyone.
My name is Jamie over from Awesomely-Awkward...
Kylee was nice enough to let me do a guest post for her and I am super excited.
I am new to the blog world but I am loving every minute of it.
Who are you and why should I read this post you ask?
Well let me tell you.

My name is Jamie, even though I believe we already covered that.
I am a wife, a mother to a beautiful fur baby, a hard worker, an etsy shop owner, a new blogger, let's just say I wear many hats. I'm scatterbrained, love Reese's peanut butter cups, have a weird obsession with jewelry and headbands (explains the etsy shop), and constantly talk to myself... or my cat. That's me in a teeny tiny nutshell.
My life is not perfect... There are plenty of awkward, crazy, irrational moments.
I decided to start my blog because I like to talk... a lot.
I have plenty of awesome and even more awkward moments to share with everyone.
My blog is my daily thoughts. It's a personal journal that I have decided to share with the world, or at least anyone willing to read it.
Are you still reading? Good.
Come join me... because sometimes life is awkward. Is there any better reason?
Oh and just for sitting through this ridiculous post with me gabbing on and on... I am offering a %10 discount to my shop.
Just enter code "KYLEE" at checkout.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Favorite Poem- Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou
I have been obsessed with this poem since I was about 15. I hope that this poem can find you in a time of much needed inspiration. :)
Phenomenal Woman- Maya Angelou
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sweet Little Photo Swap- "Our Living Situation"
Well, it's about that time for us to get the heck out of our duplex and move. Our last day is September 30th here.
My hubster and I are moving in with his brother--his brother's garage to be exact. We're going to save up for a house! Here's some before pics (I'll let you see the afters when they actually become afters), of our new place of residence--or our home, and the wonderful family we're sharing it with.
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Welcome to our new room! :) We're redoing it, don't worry! |
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The living room. I can't wait to show you the painted "after" pic! Be patient, it will come later. |
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These two lovlies are my nieces. They will stay there part time. I love them so much, and I soo look forward to seeing them grow up. :) |
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This is my brother-in-law, Josh. Hey ladies, he's SINGLE! :) |
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This is my hubby, Jacob. Hey ladies, he's NOT single. LOL. |
Giveaway! Ad Space for a month!
I'm at Living In Yellow today!
This is a giveaway for FEATURED ad space.
To Enter:
1) Follow my blog
(Extra Entries)
1) Follow Living in Yellow (If you haven't already, you should!) HERE
2) Share this giveaway anyway you like!
3) "Like" Sincerely, Kylee on Facebook. HERE
Good luck!
*Giveaway ends Friday, Sept. 23 @ 5:00 pm*
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Allow Me to Share the Education I Pay Lots of Money For: Week 2
Finding Your Online Voice
I'm an Advertising major/Marketing minor at the University of Central Oklahoma. I'm going to share some relevant knowledge that I receive when I pay $$ large amounts of money $$,
for your own personal gain.
This is a new series I’m going to be doing. I’m taking a class on digital and content marketing. We are required to write a post a week, so I’m going to try to make it relevant to my blog.
What I hope is to receive feedback.
I want to hear from you if you think that I strayed off topic or made a valid but somewhat stupid point. I would also love to hear if you found any of this helpful, or irrelevant.
We are reading “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott. You can find this book on Amazon, HERE, or you can go and check out his blog, HERE.
This book is helpful because it covers a variety of different points on marketing an PR that are not just for large corporations.
What I want to cover this week is the importance of your "online voice". Three things to remember:
1) Stay true to yourself! Seriously, if you don't talk or type the way you do in real life, eventually your true voice will prevail! :)
2) This tip is from "Mom Blogging for Dummies" but I think it's relevant: Blog/write/share anything that is dear to you. You should enjoy whatever you speak about, so find something you love to do and write about it!
3) Don't get caught up in stats! This book is sure to tell you about the importance of measuring your success blogging or using social media, but even the book will tell you that they are not the be all end all. There are many different stat tools out there, so don't get overwhelmed. Find a measurement style that works for YOUR goals, not everyone else's goals. And if you follow tip 2, then the readers/followers will come to you.
That's all I got! I hope everyone had a good weekend!
What I want to cover this week is the importance of your "online voice". Three things to remember:
1) Stay true to yourself! Seriously, if you don't talk or type the way you do in real life, eventually your true voice will prevail! :)
2) This tip is from "Mom Blogging for Dummies" but I think it's relevant: Blog/write/share anything that is dear to you. You should enjoy whatever you speak about, so find something you love to do and write about it!
3) Don't get caught up in stats! This book is sure to tell you about the importance of measuring your success blogging or using social media, but even the book will tell you that they are not the be all end all. There are many different stat tools out there, so don't get overwhelmed. Find a measurement style that works for YOUR goals, not everyone else's goals. And if you follow tip 2, then the readers/followers will come to you.
That's all I got! I hope everyone had a good weekend!
Friday, September 16, 2011
It's Finally Cold Here!
After the hottest summer EVER, it's finally cold here.
I can't explain to you how much I LOVE fall!
It reminds me of when I met and fell in love with my hubby.
I love HOT coffee and sweatshirts.
I love cardigans and boots!
I love night-time.
I have a few things I would like to do this fall.
MOVE into our garage home- (in progress)
Crafty Christmas-
Find an internship-
apply for graduation-
*more to come later.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Awards! --The Liebster Blog Award
My blog was nominated for a blog of note for the "Liebster Award"
I'm so blessed with these past couple months of blogging. It's also nice to be noticed. :)
I would like to thank @Samantha12Jane for passing this award my way. She's sent some great people my way from the land of wordpress, thanks for that Sam! Her blog is so interesting. She's an excellent writer, I recommend checking it out. or follow her on Twitter @Samantha12Jane
This is the post that she nominated me for the Liebster:
Rules of accepting the Liebster award are as follows:
1. Accept the award and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Pass it to 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers and tell them that they’ve received it.
3. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
Now, here are the blogs I would like to pass this along to:
The Pursuit of Us:
This is a blog about a young woman about to get married. She's very creative, so this is truly an awesome blog. She's just starting this blog up, but expect great ideas from this woman! Go join here with her journey towards the alter.
Diary of a Reporter:
This blog is my newest obsession. :-P She's got great pictures. Her blog look and feels great. She's absolutely so sincere--and she probably has no idea that I love her blog so much. Well, what better of a way than to share it with a Liebster award!
Life is Hard, Laugh Anyway:
So I'm pretty sure this blog knows that I'm a frequent reader, aka stalker. She's just so funny and so creative. She's got a fresh idea every day. Go join the fun!
Thanks again @Samantha12Jane!!
I'm so blessed with these past couple months of blogging. It's also nice to be noticed. :)
I would like to thank @Samantha12Jane for passing this award my way. She's sent some great people my way from the land of wordpress, thanks for that Sam! Her blog is so interesting. She's an excellent writer, I recommend checking it out. or follow her on Twitter @Samantha12Jane
This is the post that she nominated me for the Liebster:
Rules of accepting the Liebster award are as follows:
1. Accept the award and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Pass it to 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers and tell them that they’ve received it.
3. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
Now, here are the blogs I would like to pass this along to:
The Pursuit of Us:
This is a blog about a young woman about to get married. She's very creative, so this is truly an awesome blog. She's just starting this blog up, but expect great ideas from this woman! Go join here with her journey towards the alter.
Diary of a Reporter:
This blog is my newest obsession. :-P She's got great pictures. Her blog look and feels great. She's absolutely so sincere--and she probably has no idea that I love her blog so much. Well, what better of a way than to share it with a Liebster award!
Life is Hard, Laugh Anyway:
So I'm pretty sure this blog knows that I'm a frequent reader, aka stalker. She's just so funny and so creative. She's got a fresh idea every day. Go join the fun!
Thanks again @Samantha12Jane!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Advice for my future daughter.
I always say, "oh my gosh, I will tell my daughter to NEVER be like that." So, in order to remember it, I'm going to put it on my blog.
3 pieces of advice today:
1) Dear beautiful future daughter,
A smile is ALWAYS sexier than a puckering, blowing a kiss, or licking your lips in front of a camera.
3 pieces of advice today:
1) Dear beautiful future daughter,
A smile is ALWAYS sexier than a puckering, blowing a kiss, or licking your lips in front of a camera.
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Significantly less stupid looking |
2) Dear sweet future daughter,
I won't make you join any groups or school activities that you don't want to join. But, know this: FFA is cool. And if I ever catch you making fun of an FFA member, I will uphold my duty and beat you.
3) Dear adventurous future daughter,
I don't know what version of YouTube you will have when you're a silly teen, but don't make horrible videos. Don't ever take pictures or videos with your clothes off. You are a lady, and if a man says he won't love you unless you send him said video/picture--YOU RUN, RUN, RUN, AWAY FROM THAT MAN.
Instead, make videos like this one. They're waaay funnier.
The jacket is the best part. |
This is serious stuff. If I could still show pigs, I would. |
3) Dear adventurous future daughter,
I don't know what version of YouTube you will have when you're a silly teen, but don't make horrible videos. Don't ever take pictures or videos with your clothes off. You are a lady, and if a man says he won't love you unless you send him said video/picture--YOU RUN, RUN, RUN, AWAY FROM THAT MAN.
Instead, make videos like this one. They're waaay funnier.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sweet Little Photo Swap- "Old Photography Class Photos"
Long ago-- well, not that long ago-- I was in a basic photography class. I decided that I would be soo cool and creative with my pictures. I understand they weren't that great, but hey, it was BASIC photography... and I had a ton of fun.
Here are some of the more interesting ones:
Here are some of the more interesting ones:
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I miss my long(er) hair. |
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I think my feet are by far the ugliest ones on the planet. You know what though, they're the only ones I get. :) |
Interesting perspective. |
Okay, so I know it's a little emo, but this was supposed to represent the comments I was getting about being too young to be married. ;) |
Bird Poop!
It's the pimple on prom night,
it's the speeding ticket when you're late,
Mondays are the worst, can you agree? On Monday, I'm such a brat. I'm so not afraid to admit it. It's the day of the week that everything I put off last week catches up to me.
But you know what... it could be so so much worse. I have a roof over my head, well for the time being. I've got a wonderful husband and family, and I love this beautiful life God has given me.
It still doesn't keep me from being a brat. :P
After the day I had, I finally get to my car to head home and find this:
So, after being theoretically pooped on all day at work and school, I get to my car and find out that I WAS ACTUALLY POOPED ON!
I couldn't help but laugh. :)
Tell me about your Monday. Did you get pooped on?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Allow Me to Share the Education I Pay Lots of Money For: Week 1
I'm an Advertising major/Marketing minor at the University of Central Oklahoma. I'm going to share some relevant knowledge that I receive when I pay $$ large amounts of money $$,
for your own personal gain.
This is a new series I’m going to be doing. I’m taking a class on digital and content marketing. We are required to write a post a week, so I’m going to try to make it relevant to my blog.
What I hope is to receive feedback.
I want to hear from you if you think that I strayed off topic or made a valid but somewhat stupid point. I would also love to hear if you found any of this helpful, or irrelevant.
We are reading “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott. You can find this book on Amazon, HERE, or you can go and check out his blog, HERE.
This book is helpful because it covers a variety of different points on marketing an PR that are not just for large corporations.
Here’s why you should care and/or read this book:
1) It’s relevant to us as consumers and potential business owners. If you are a blogger and expecting to make a business out of it, be it your content or even your Etsy shop, this is awesome knowledge. And I firmly suggest that you educate yourself on the current trends. Allow me to demonstrate it’s relevance:
Some of you are bloggers. Congratulations, if you have a blog and you post anything on it, you are now in the category of web leaders. Your opinion matters! Marketers are out to find you! They love that you have an opinion and aren’t afraid to share it.
2) On a larger scale, if you have a business this book can help you understand direct customer content as increased brand value.
a. WHOA! Did I just get a little crazy with my lingo? Sorry, let me explain. Let’s say you have an Etsy shop. How do you find customers? Do you put an ad in your local paper? Probably not, you’re going to go to the blogosphere, allow people to get to know you and your product, and in the end they may or may not buy your cute handmade jewelry.
b. Marketing yourself as a brand (which is what we’re all doing) is a vital part of your success. Finding the right people at the right time can get overwhelming. But, here’s the good news, if you understand and educate yourself on the whole marketing process, it’s going to be easy as pie to sell your goodies.
I will be continuing this thought process for next week’s post. Please drop me a line, if what I’m saying is relevant or irrelevant to you.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Giveaway! $15 Starbucks Card!!
In order to celebrate my 100th like on Facebook, I wanted a lucky person to have a drink on me. Call it bribery, but I think it's awesome to thank the people around you.
All you have to do to enter is:
1) Go "like" my Facebook Page HERE
or click this button here or on my sidebar.

2) And then click on the giveaway event and click "I'm attending".
*This Giveaway will end September 16, 2011 at midnight.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sweet Little Photo Swap- "Zoo Day"
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We went to the zoo for my best friend's birthday. |
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And this is my best friend, Ashley. :) |
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I am really not a huge fan of fish, but they looked the best in the pics. :P |
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See, they have such colorful homes. |
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This one looks like goosebumps. lol... |
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Now, meerkats, they're stinkin' cool. |
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My Love. |
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I HAD to get a squished penny. |
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By the end of the day my dogs were barkin' (that means my feet hurt). |
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